
Quantum Wealth

3 week guided transformation

Hello gorgeous!

Instead of asking you some rhetorical questions & emphasizing what you may be struggling with on your journey to full financial empowerment…

I’m going to give it to you straight. Before you scroll any further, I want you to take a deep breath & step into the badass boss that I know you are.

I know the money talk can be triggering, overwhelming, intimidating, and all the things… I’m here to help make it fun, expansive & liberating for you. Cause you’ve always been worthy of that. 

You can leave any excuses & beliefs in the way of that at the door. Welcome to Quantum Wealth. You’re right on time.

Become a money bo$$.


Hey beautiful, I KNOW you’ve done a ton of work around your personal empowerment & are confident in your ability to serve others. You’ve stepped into leadership & are rooted in your mission. I see you & I’m celebrating you for that.

In my experience partnering with hundreds of women who’ve seen their businesses explode & growing Living Brave from $0 to $1.6+ million in under 2 years, the key to the quantum leaps is typically not the skills, or even the strategy.

I invite you to be one of the few who empowers herself with grounded wealth principles & practices that will change the trajectory of your financial life forever.

It’s one thing to make money, it’s another thing to stop looking at money to tell you how to feel, to create intimacy with your finances, to multiply your money (vs avoiding, hoarding, letting it sit in a savings account) become financial literate and empowered and revolutionize your understanding of wealth…

This work is the key to you anchoring into your next-level CEO identity, to scaling and SUSTAINING big numbers, making money work FOR you… and having the energetic & strategic support as your sales blow up & your pricing and systems calibrate to a new bar.

It’s time you experience the FULL empowerment & freedom that is your birthright, and let money support you on your journey of self-love, alignment & business growth. 

Not your average money mindset course.

If you’re a woman who…

🔥 Thrives in high vibrational community with personalized support

🔥 Is spiritually tapped in, open-minded and heart-centered

🔥 Is more interested in TRANSFORMATION than information

🔥 Is ready to take BOLD action NOW big enough to create the change you wants to see

🔥 Is seeking the material know-how for wealth building that will transform your life & business for years to come

🔥 Wants to be the woman who “has more money than she knows what to do with” but sure as hell knows what to do with it…

🔥 Is done over-giving, discounting & undervaluing your work

🔥Is no longer available for draining clients, being tied to her phone, or bending over backwards in her business due to outdated beliefs//stories

I got you. 

👉🏼 The truth is, if you’re like me, you weren’t taught money, investing, finance and financial literacy at home OR at school.

Chances are, you heard talking about money was rude… that mastering money was for “other people”… or have internalized a harmful narrative around wealth that likely still effects you as you make more money than you ever have. 

& now you’re trying to grow generational wealth, support yourself & your family, save up for the travels & experiences & homes & all the things… while running a business that empowers others. 

That ALL relies on you mastering your money leadership. 

With me in your corner, we’ll transform your money relationship, create successful habits and a game plan for your wealth expansion, as you master the art of not just making money in business, but making money work for you. 

The waitlists, pay in full clients that seem to just fall from the sky, and results that don’t make sense…. get’s a whole lot better when you actually feel safe, empowered and sovereign holding and circulating wealth. 

If you’re here, I’m guessing you’ve realized that it’s no longer an option for you to believe that rapid wealth expansion is only possible for “those other people.”

I didn’t come from money.

Most of my life was spent in shame, judgment & envy of money.

In 2015 I was barely getting by & in 2016, I was living off $20 absolute maximum a day.

I quit the corporate world in 2015 ($0 in savings), and with it, the mentality that I had to work my way up from the bottom, watching those I knew use their connections to skip to the front of the line. 

I used my background in investing & financial education, 5 years as a financial journalist for Investopedia, (never making more than a few thousand a month) and created 6-figures in the bank in 4 years. 

When I embraced the wealth leadership, next level investing frameworks, as well as the CEO-level money habits & business side of wealth magnetics & strategy that I’m teaching in Quantum Wealth Activation… I did that in 4 months. And again in 2. On repeat.

I became the first self-made millionaire in my family in 2021.

So no, I don’t care how much money you have, what investments you’ve made in the past, or how much money baggage you carry. 

This is your moment to choose another way.

You are worthy of investing in your financial liberation NOW.

Here’s my invitation to you:

Detach yourself from a “practical” timeline.

Remove the constraints of what’s “realistic”

There are no rules.

Time to quantum leap.

Money Leadership & Wealth Energetics

Ascend to higher levels of wealth consciousness, with decolonized manifestation & energetic alignment principles, frameworks, practices & tools to serve you as you release money blocks. Exploring pleasure, safety, embodiment and mindset as it relates to money – unlocking breakthroughs that serve your personal relationships, money patterns and business sustainability. 

This module has revolutionized clients’ relationship to money and set them off to have a deeper understanding of not just their money relationship, but that with their family, partner, clients, and community. We go deeper than money mindset into financial liberation, empowerment, sustainability and liberation. 

Wealth Building & Conscious Investing

It’s one thing to make money, it’s another thing to make it work for you. Learn wealth building principles that will serve you for life. I pull on my background in finance & markets journalism to teach personalized investing strategy, savings, debt & spending from a unique vantage point. 

Know where & when to put your money based on your unique situation and goals. Shift your harmful (& many unconscious) money habits into successful wealth building practices. 

(broken up into two modules for a deep dive into INVESTING – crypto, real estate, markets, stocks, WTH is an ETF, types of investments, risk, etc)

Worth, Wealth & Sacred Sales in Business

Integrate your money leadership & wealth expansion tools & principles into your business. Learn how to make CEO-level decisions & create a sacred sales ceremony that stops the “chase” for new leads and creates an easeful flow of dream clients who can’t wait to pay you. Get my personalized coaching on pricing, sales & money strategy for your next level of business. 

Ground it all down into your business practices. Access key energetic upgrades that will eliminate the possibility of burnout & save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long game. Step into your emboldened feminine leadership. 


$ 2888
  • Three 90-120 minute potent trainings you can come back and listen to over & over.
  • Private Community of growth-oriented, high-vibe women. Ask questions, collaborate, receive feedback & build deep relationships.
  • Weekly take home opportunities to accelerate your transformation, take action on the material & achieve results right away
  • An accountability partner and a goddess pod that become sisters for life
  • Bonus open group coaching & integration session with Shoshanna

Activation VIP

$ 7777
  • Everything in Quantum Wealth Activation
  • Three deep dive 1-1 strategy sessions with Shosh to tailor every aspect of the curriculum to you
  • Opportunity to use this time with Shosh to dive into any other aspect of your leadership & business growth journey not covered in QWA
  • 3 weeks of unlimited direct access to Shoshanna via Voxer, M-F, offering personalized feedback & high-touch support
  • Jump to the front of the 1-1 waitlist and get priority for new offerings.

Payment plans available


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Quantum Wealth Activation was created out of a clear gap in the business coaching space for entrepreneurs at all levels, from pre-launching your first offer to the 7-figure mark. 

This program will upgrade your wealth mindset & support you to step into money leadership, an asset for a woman at any stage.

In terms of your money mindset, wealth embodiment, investing & grounded shifts to your relationship with money, while you may all be working with different numbers, the teachings in this program will be relevant for all and serve you for years. Please don’t wait until you have a certain amount of money to scramble to learn what to do with it. Please don’t wait until you reach a financial milestone to learn about the financial healing journey, in which bigger results actually trigger scarcity & stress responses <3 Let’s set you up to win. 

As for grounding money leadership & wealth expansion principles down into best practices in business, my sacred sales training & wealth energetics teachings should be returned to again and again as you grow your business. 

Quantum Wealth Activation is for the woman who’s ready to shatter old money stories and include her full financial liberation in the self-empowerment journey that she’s already on. 

You must be open to see things differently & pioneer a new way of being as an abundant, brave & bold women. 

While Module 3 is geared towards entrepreneurs, the teachings themselves can be applied to all aspects of life you seek growth in, and will be helpful to women in more traditional roles from freelancers to corporate bosses. 

There will be space for group coaching on our group calls, as well as in the private community, where you are encouraged to voice your questions and get personalized feedback. That said, for those called to high-touch 1-1 support, that extra injection of momentum and tailored mentorship, and is ALL IN to dial up and quantum leap in 2021, signing on for the VIP option is highly recommended. This is also the most accessible way to work privately with Shoshanna. The investment for a 6 month 1-1 VIP experience is currently a $50k investment. 


Empowered Business Accelerator


Empowered Business Accelerator


Empowered Business Accelerator

Coaching with Shoshanna was exactly what I needed to launch with total faith and success. I filled two group coaching programs in under 2 weeks. I got clear on my why and how to show up powerfully online. The biggest thing it taught me was to know my worth… The value is priceless.
Jaime Moar
By the end of QWA, I signed 3 clients in about a week's time! So it more than paid for itself, even with the VIP option I chose. A few takeaways: Trusting myself, stepping into magneticism and higher level energetics, build of momentum in my business, feeling SO supported and held as I was in the first few weeks post-leaving my FT job!!
Kimberly Irving
THE ACTIVATION. Just being in this container activated so many shifts in my life. The simple act of spending money towards a leap, putting energy towards a vision that I know is there, and having a support group and a coach beside me for support, is EVERYTHING. I had so many profound realizations about my relationship to money and my relationships in general. I had so many breakthroughs with QWA and I'm so grateful.
Brooke Nally

Hi! I'm Shoshanna

I help heart-centered women claim their power & grow thriving community-centric businesses.

In 2015, I traded corporate consulting for a one-way ticket to India. After a yoga teacher training, 30+ countries, and a successful career in journalism, I launched the Living Brave podcast.

The platform expanded into a community of thousands, sold-out international retreats and booked out signature coaching programs. We grew from a 1-woman show to a $7 figure/year+ business & a global team in 1.5 years.  

I’m in love with my work in supporting brave, paradigm-shifting women in expanding their impact & blasting through income goals by leading a brand & a community that feels like an extension of their heart. 

Excited to meet you <3

Sign me up!

Quantum wealth ACTIVATION

Nothing happens unless you make it happen.

I want you to take a moment and imagine what would it feel like to drop the money struggle once and for all.
To stop saying “I wish I could afford it” to the things you want most in life.
Of course money isn’t everything. It’s far from it. But guess what? Neither is chocolate, or sex, or good friends who love you. 

They just amplify the goodness of your life.

Money doesn’t have a mind of its own. It gets to amplify YOU, your impact, your joy, your generosity & freedom.

When you’re so afraid of losing it & grip so tightly to it, out of a fear that you’ll lose it, you’re the one placing too much value on it. 

Here’s an invitation to take your power back. 

Money is always flowing to you. You are rewarded when you invest in yourself. 

Especially when you invest in learning how to heal your relationship to money, learn successful wealth expansion principles & ground that all down into your business. 

I know if you’ve made it to this part of the page, you’re feeling those butterflies telling you to take the leap. 

I also know the “practical” mind wants to come in & talk you out of what your heart desires.

Here’s the truth. 

What’s practical was made up by people who are’t as brave as you. 

No ones going to give you a permission slip to break the odds, take the leap & live life on your own terms.

I’m here to help you get to a place where the only thing you can’t afford is your own excuses. 

Remember, it pays to be brave.

How to use vulnerability as a superpower

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